Discover How
Americans Are Getting Out of pain
100% Drug-Free
Fast Acting, Long-Term & Effective Pain Relief

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- No More “Hidden” Fees
- No More Needles
- No More Back, Neck, Arms, Shoulder Pain
- Approved By Leading Medical Doctors
- Dramatic Improvements in Clinical Studies
- Significant, Fast Acting, Long-Term Pain Relief
The National Health Federation Rated Arthrogenix
Doctors use shots to boost a critical element of the joint called synovial fluid found between the cartilage and bones of every joint. Researchers have been working for years to find a way to boost this fluid non-invasively. The problem was the molecule used in injections was too large to absorb into the bloodstream. Top scientists at Alpha Vita in Paris, France conquered this obstacle by finding a smaller form of the same molecule. This new glucose form Glusome® is easily absorbed by your stomach and intestines. The new way Arthrogenix delivers relief is being hailed as the “Biggest Joint Health Advancement in the World”. The U.S. Oldest Non-Profit Health Organization, (N.H.F), awarded Arthrogenix the #1 spot in 2022 & in 2023.

Harvard Medical: Scientific Discovery Stuns Doctors Shutting Down Joint Discomfort In 30 Days

In this chart, we can see the incredible results of using Arthrogenix. Just look at the improvement! It's truly remarkable. After just 30 days, more than 8 out of 10 people who took Arthrogenix active ingredient has no swelling. Arthrogenix’s superior pain relief abilities have been documented by more than 100 reports conduced in the US, Hungary, Russia, Australia, Israel, & Italy. Now those who suffer from joint pain can get relief without painful injections. Even when you are active, this army of pain fighters “soak up” excess inflammation in your bloodstream, and cary it directly to the outermost layers of joint tissue - restoring joints on a cellular level, while deactivating hundreds of pain causing cells. Our game-changing pain relief molecule Glusome® boosts your lubricating joint fluid by delivering relief to all your joints, not just one - without needles. With continued use, a majority obtained long-term pain relief throughout the entire study. But that’s not all!

After just 30 days, more than 8 out of 10 people who took Arthrogenix had NO swelling. The study also looked at cases of severe swelling. Amazingly, zero cases of severe swelling were detected in the group taking Arthrogenix. Researchers have been working for years to find a way to boost synovial fluid non-invasively. The problem was the molecule used in injections was too large to absorb into the blood stream. With Arthrogenix, top scientists have conquered this obstacle by finding a smaller form of the same molecule. Popular needle injection pain-killers are now being replaced. The key molecule in these injections can now be delivered by taking new low-cost Arthrogenix. Those who suffer from severe joint pain can NOW get relief without painful injections. This is vital because cartilage does not have blood vessels. Arthrogenix patented pain relief molecule Glusome® lubricates the cartilage giving joints the nutrients they naturally need. The results were so successful that they were published in hundreds of leading medical journals.

New Clinical Trials from Harvard University show 84.1% less swelling in 4 weeks! In every single clinical study that measured stiffness, Arthrogenix significantly improved flexibility. The benefits of the active compound in Arthrogenix are validated by over 200 clinical studies with over 6,000 participants. For example, in a study of 100 people with knee pain and stiffness, those who took 300 mg (the amount in Arthrogenix) saw their average pain and stiffness significantly lessen in a short period of time. Arthrogenix is the only natural joint supplement - backed by double blind clinical trials - scientifically documented for its ability to rebuild joint cartilage. For example, the dramatic impact of just one of the nutrients was validated in 16 unique clinical trials.

Connie Chung Shocks Viewers & Exposes Bizarre Pain Relief Molecule
When Connie Chung told viewers about a revolutionary new way to potentially “stave off the aging process” with Hylaronic Acid on her ABC TV show, she didn’t realize she might be responsible for putting thousands of doctors out of business. Connie touted the studies done on Arthrogenix functional compound not once but twice on her show. People everywhere paid attention. HA works by depleting pain causing proteins, that HA literally pours out of your body! However, most HA is hard to digest - making the best option for American’s “bacterial fermentation”. This uses needles to inject HA directly- which absolutely works - if you don’t mind getting poked with needles. Still, our team at Alpha Vita® figured we could do one better!

The New Way Arthrogenix Delivers Long-Term Improving Pain Relief
Getting relief without injections has big advantages. The most obvious is avoiding being stuck by a large needle every week for 5 weeks. Another downside is the doctor can “miss”. The needle needs to be inserted into a precise spot in the joint to work. Otherwise, you risk the treatment being ineffective. However, boosting your lubricating joint fluid by taking a pill delivers relief to all your joints, not just one. There’s an additional reason the active ingredient in Arthrogenix works so well - it nourishes the cartilage. As we know from our friend Connie Chung, HA is a miracle ingredient that curbs inflammation and pain naturally. The problem is, until now, the most effective way to get HA was through painful and expensive injections. This new delivery system for the HA molecule called GLUSOME® has caught the attention of leading medical doctors. In human clinical trials, 100% of subjects taking GLUSOME® molecule in Arthrogenix felt significant improvement in comfort and physical function. Only the Arthrogenix joint delivery system offer GLUSOME® technology - the key factor in the giving Arthrogenix the most superior results on the market.

Leading clinics use injection therapy because it works. Recent clinical trials show Arthrogenix also delivers major pain relief. Columbia University concluded that Arthrogenix was 100% effective for the cases of severe swelling, and reversing existing cartilage damage. Our breakthrough molecule contains the active ingredient HA. Only Arthrogenix offers the proprietary GLUSOME® delivery system - this technology is believed to be the key factor in the amazing clinical results. It’s not a drug. It’s all natural. The Arthrogenix formula provides deep penetration and powerful relief quickly and safely to muscles and joints like no other natural supplement can. When this cartilage is supported, it helps give your joints a framework, like the framing of your house. You’ll get fast acting pain relief targeted directly where you need it, and by using Arthrogenix daily, you will get long-term continually improving pain relief or your money back. Remember, you can get your money back with Arthrogenix… but you can’t get back the precious time you lose to pain.

Your Joints And Muscles Are A Ticking Time Bomb!

Do You Recognize These 7 Warning Signs of Serious Joint Complications?
• Creaky, Aching Knees
• Trouble Sleeping due to Pain
• Sore Lower Back
• Cranky Hip Joints
• Achy feet, Hand Cramps When Writing
• Muscle Soreness & Stiffness
• Decreased Range of Motion
Research shows your a ticking time bomb. We are all going to develop joint pain. The question becomes, how bad will your pain be and how much will it ruin your life? You deserve to do everything you can to try and stop it in its tracks. But most have resigned themselves to simply finding a way to manage the pain they currently have and hope it doesn’t get worse.

Imagine feeling tight joints rest, relax, and free up. Feeling muscles tied in knots become more supple. Feeling strength of joints & muscles return. Arthrogenix was formulated with 14 active ingredients to do more than just mask and numb your pain the way over-the-counter and prescription pain pills do. In addition, what makes Arthrogenix so unique is that it's not just our groundbreaking GLUSOME® relief molecule - it’s also the additional blends of vital minerals, enzymes and tropical shrubs, designed to help support your body’s natural cellular pain levels, glucose mobility, oxidative stress, and a healthy cardiovascular system.

Arthrogenix saves you over $538 a year because it’s so concentrated and complete. It’s like getting a years worth of ingredients for FREE . Once you try it you’ll understand why Arthrogenix is causing so much excitement among folks who never had much luck with “comfort” solutions. You can’t buy this game- changing combination in stores. It’s only available in Arthrogenix. Multiple clinical studies show that ingredients in Arthrogenix really help increase flexibility.
Powerful help for BOTH the kind of stiffness you feel day after day, week after week AND the type of "acute" stiffness you experience whenever you overdo it. The only natural product guaranteed to actually improve joint flexibility while also rapidly reducing pain and discomfort.
America's #1 Rated Rheumatologist
Strongly Recommends Arthrogenix
Dr Mark SaginorDr Mark Saginor, M.B.,B.S (U.S.),
“The research behind the active ingredient in Arthrogenix is very exciting. As a doctor, knowing that a formula works is just as important as having solid scientific research. This product is a great choice for those who haven’t had success with other joint pain treatments. Being able to get the same relief molecule through a pill is amazing. Injections may be a last resort, but I’d strongly recommend Arthrogenix at the first sign of pain. It’s the only product I would recommend to my patients, friends, or family. “

Learn The Secret Of Why Athrogenix Works And Does What No Other Natural Joint Pill Can Do.
We’ve combined the power of 14 mobility-rich super ingredients with a proprietary pain relief delivery system Glusome® , the worlds most advanced pain relief molecule, to help your body maintain pain free energy levels and support your mobility. Arthrogenix contains 100% natural and pure ingredients. Arthrogenix is soy-free, has no added sugars or dextrose, artificial preservative-free, and lectin- free. Arthrogenix uses only the highest-quality extracts at the most potent dosage for each of the 14 unique natural ingredients. The content of every batch is tested for purity, content and dosage at an outside, 3rd-party laboratory.

UC-11 Collagen®This wonderful ingredient contains a gel-like substance found in joint-lubricating fluids, it allows damaged cartilage to heal itself. Recent clinical trials found that participants taking Type II Collagen for showed a significant decrease in the number of swollen, tender joints.

X.I.V. Eggshell MembraneDoctors and scientists now confirm the “King of Regrowth”—Natural Eggshell Membrane—deactivates not one but 400 agony-causing genes. X.I.V. Patented Eggshell Membrane® provides vital nutrients for the body to rebuild damaged bone and cartilage. For example, in a study of 100 people with knee pain and stiffness, those who took 300 mg (the amount in Arthrogenix) saw their average pain and stiffness significantly lessen in a short period of time.

Optimized CurcuminWe offer a highly bioavailable dose of Curcumin, Proven in over 300 studies and 20 clinical trials to actually build joint cartilage. It’s needed to make the “raw material” used in cartilage.

Optimized BoswelliaThis Advanced form of Boswellia ‘triples up’ the bodies response to inflammation!

Optimized HyaluronateRecognized as the best natural pain reliever for the last 5000yrs! Now absorbable without needles for the first time in Arthrogenix

Growth Factor BGrowth Factor B is part of a group of polypeptides produced by the body that can stimulate cellular growth.

ElastinAs the name suggests, elastin helps the body maintain elasticity. In joints, it allows cartilage to spring back, absorb shock, and avoid injury. It is also important for the spine to provide a cushion between discs.

Ginger Root Extractprovides COX inhibition, which reduces pain and inflammation in your joints

Optimized Black Pepper “Piperin”This cutting edge ingredient acts as a liquid magnet, attracting water into your joints and other connective tissues like your skin, hair, and eyes. This water keeps your joints lubricated so you enjoy greater flexibility and mobility!

Green Lipped MusclePowerful nutritional factor vital to both mind and body, vital for proper bone formation and mineral uptake.

California PoppyA naturally occurring metabolic product which may is Essential for reducing fatigue and improve joint functioning.

Passion flowerDespite its name, it doesn’t make you more passionate or amorous. Instead, it’s been used for thousands of years to relax people from pains and discomforts! It’s been exhaustively studied by the medical community and noted for its powerful calming effect.

White Willow#1 Chinese herbal sedative and pain reducer. Research has shown it is highly useful for many pain conditions by helping relax your muscles and promotes restful sleep.

LobeliaActs as a liquid magnet, attracting water into your joints and other connective tissues like your skin, hair, and eyes.This water keeps your joints lubricated so you enjoy greater flexibility and mobility!
The Award Winning Formulation
Clinically Supported For Optimal Joint Health
The Award Winning Formulation Clinically Supported For Optimal Joint Health
*** RECEIPT ***

High-potency Arthrogenix is guaranteed to provide pain relief 5x faster than any other herbal supplement, due to our one-of-a-kind extraction process, and rare & premium herbs like the California Poppy from the Mountains of Baja. Call 1-800-780-9096 or place your order directly here. Act NOW, this price may NOT be repeated, and stock is limited!

Harvard, The Mayo Clinic, The Cleveland Clinic, And Hundreds of Others Hail This All Natural Discovery

Developed by Over 1000 Pain Specialists & Doctors Working Together - Rated #1 Joint Health Supplement By America’s Oldest Non Profit Health Organization (N.H.F)
“Pain Gone In 3 Weeks”
“I’ve tried every pain pill the doctor has ever prescribed me and Arthrogenix is the only thing that’s made the pain stop”
- Simon Phillips, Hampton, NJ

Choose Your Package
(This is a one time payment)$149.95
(This is a one time payment)Available Exclusively Online 2-5 Day Shipping

America’s #1 Rated All-Natural Joint Health Pill
If you are among the millions who cannot get a good night sleep because of nagging aches and pains, why not try Arthrogenix? Why wait? Now you can try Arthrogenix without any risk. Your pain is guaranteed to reduce or disappear shortly after your first bottle. If you’re not completely amazed with the results, just send the bottle and receipt back to us, even if the bottle is empty, and we will send you a refund. No questions asked.
Try Risk-Free For 90 Days
Arthrogenix Must Work For You - or it’s FREE!

You must SEE and FEEL a significant improvement in your health when you take Arthrogenix - or you pay nothing! No other supplement company or store in America will give you a 90 day guarantee to test a product, but we will! Try it today with our industry leading satisfaction guarantee and get up to 2 free gifts worth $89.95 Free! These are YOURS to keep, even if you decide to return Arthrogenix!
You have absolutely NOTHING to lose! Who else matches this guarantee? Nobody can! We know that once you feel the change Arthrogenix makes in your life, sending it back will be the furthest thing from your mind. Our new high-potency remedy is guaranteed to help you. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of this introductory offer available for a limited time! Call 1-800-780-9096 Or place your order directly here.
Arthrogenix is not a 24 hour miracle cure. There is none. Any doctor, any joint pain sufferer, anyone susceptible to nagging aches and stiffness, any family member or friend who wants to help may accept the amazing offer below. Some of our colleagues think we’ll lose money, or even get ripped off. But we know that once you feel the change Arthrogenix makes in your life, once you start waking up every morning feeling better than you did yesterday, sending it back will be the furthest thing from your mind. We believe you will be so satisfied, that you won’t want to live without it.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Arthrogenix Safe To Take?
Yes. You don’t have to worry when you take Arthrogenix since the ingredients are all natural. Proven in hundreds of multiple double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled studies. Safety has also been tested and there are no reports of side effects.
Can I see the full label?
Sure thing, here is the label.
Other Ingredients: Vegetable Cellulose (capsule) Rice Bran, Silica
Can I keep the Free Gifts of Superior Vitamin D3 + Red Regions Recipies If I return the order?
This trail-blazing recipe book and superior form of Vitamin D3+ Calcium is yours to keep FREE even if you return your order of Arthrogenix for every cent of your money back!
What if I’m taking pain relief supplements or medicine already?
If you want the best pain relief available - if you are serious about your freedom and mobility - it’s time to put Arthrogenix to work for you. Even if you’re already taking supplements or medicine for your joints, you’ll want to add Arthrogenix to your care.
Why should I choose this instead of other Products?
Arthrogenix is based on the most cutting-edge and revolutionary joint pain relief studies. : This is the first-ever-of-its kind supplement that works to heal both causes of your pain. We took all 14 of the most effective pain relief ingredients with full dosages, and put them into one pill. We also boosted absorption in our expertly wild-crafted 4 stage extraction process, that key to why Arthrogenix works so well. If want the best pain relief available—if you are serious about your freedom and mobility—it’s time to put this “natural wonder’ to work for you. Even if you’re already taking supplements or medicine for your pain, you’ll want to add Arthrogenix to your care.
How many servings are inside?
We recommend taking 2 capsules a day and there are 60 capsules per bottle. So each bottle has 30 servings.
How Do I Order Arthrogenix?
Simply place your order above or call toll free at 1-800-791-3395
What If It Doesn’t Work For Me? Is there a Guarantee?
As we know, bodies can react differently to the very same compounds. Even though everyone can benefit from the ingredients in this formula, I’m aware that results can vary. So, if your unsatisfied with this product for any reason, simply send back your empty bottles within 90 days and I’ll return your purchase price, no questions asked… guaranteed. You can also keep the Free bonus gifts free of charge.
The Most-Advanced Joint Health Supplement On The Market
No prescription is needed to take advantage of this “online only” offer and it’s not available in stores. Because of limited avaliblity, this offer may expire. So please act fast. To order your risk-free trial click above or call us directly at 1-800-780-9096
- Reduced joint pain and discomfort
- Improved mobility and flexibility
- Enhanced joint health and strength
- Faster recovery after physical activity
- Increased joint lubrication for smoother movement
- Support for maintaining a healthy weight to reduce joint strain
- Significantly More Effective than Aspirin, Ibuprofen, MSM, Omega -3’s
- Proven over 600% More Effective Than Glucosamine and 741% More than Chondroitin